Firearms in Glastonbury

Firearms in Glastonbury


August 1, 2007

Re: Discharge of Firearms in the Community of North and South Glastonbury

Dear Glastonbury Landowners,

In recent months the Glastonbury Landowners Association (GLA) has received several inquiries of concern regarding the discharge of firearms in the Glastonbury Subdivisions.  Although the Association does not regulate the use of firearms, except for prohibiting their discharge or use for hunting on “Common Lands” (see “Covenants for the Community of Glastonbury, Section 7 – 7.01d), it does strongly recommend holding strictly to the safe and considerate use of firearms so that Landowners will not find themselves in the position of either being a nuisance or an endangerment to their neighbors.

Park County does not regulate the discharge of firearms outside of municipal city limits, yet the sheriffs do strongly recommend specific gun safety practices and encourage those who own guns to participate in gun safety courses. The sheriffs have informed us that any individual discharging a firearm becomes legally responsible for that round of ammunition wherever it may go. This includes the ricochet phenomena and any physical or property damage that may ensue. They have suggested that property owners establish safe shooting ranges on their property (i.e. shooting towards a hill where there is soft sand or dirt without rocks; best lined with old tires filled with sand).  An individual should never shoot in a direction where there is a home or road behind the intended target.

We hope that individuals in Glastonbury who discharge firearms will strive to be considerate of their neighbors and choose not to act in any manner that would impose a sense of fear or concern upon them.  One way this might be accomplished would be to give a courtesy call to neighbors (within hearing range) when planning to discharge a gun.  A quick call to neighbors to inform them of the location of the shooting range and that safe measures have been taken to prevent an accident could greatly alleviate any stress or confusion regarding the nature of the sound of gunshots.

Thank you for your serious consideration of this message.
