When the board takes an email vote, the motion and how the directors voted are recorded here. Note that Bylaw VI. J. Action by Written Consent, requires a 2/3 majority of votes to pass.
December 2023 – 2023 Email Vote Report
April 2023 – 2022/2023 Email Vote Report
April BOD minutes: Passed 05/19/18
Capricorn Pavement Repair: Passed 05/19/18
Spring Grading Contract: Passed 05/18/18
Emergency flood repairs, Hercules: Passed 05/03/18
One ballot per lot: Passed 04/25/18
June election mailing: Passed 04/24/18
Response to O’Connell Rule 60 motion: Passed 04/07/18
Response to Parker election petition: Passed 04/04/18
Hire new collection attorney: Passed 03/23/18
Approve Board minutes of January 8: Passed 02/24/18
Approve Richey Garage Application NG 44-A: Passed 02/20/18
Approve 2018 budget: Passed 01/26/18
Quonset Road Access January 2018: Passed 01/25/18
Hold Nov. Candidate’s Forum: Failed 10/26/17
Revised SG voting cover letter: Passed 10/21/17
Postpone Annual Meeting: Passed 10/21/17
Hire Seth Cunningham: Passed 10/12/17
Hire security guard: Passed 10/05/17
O’Connell Protection Order: Passed 09/21/17