Signs, Lighting and Fence Standards

5.0 Signs, Lighting and Fence Standards

5.1 Sign Standards
          These guidelines establish minimum standards for the placement of signs within Glastonbury as per Section 6.04 of the Glastonbury Covenants.

  • All signs shall be commercially produced or professionally lettered, worded in “good taste” as solely determined by the Board of Glastonbury Landowners Association (no profanity or obscene language) and kept in good repair.
  • All signs, excluding “No Trespassing,” “Private Property,” “No Hunting” and “Posted” shall be less than 2×3 ft. “No Trespassing,” “Private Property,” “No Hunting,” and “Posted” signs shall be no larger than 14- by 16-inches
  • Minimum distance between postings of “No Trespassing,” “Private Property,” “No Hunting” and “Posted” signs is 50 feet apart
  • Landowners must submit an application to the GLA Board and receive approval prior to posting sign(s) in the following instances:
    1. When sign is business or advertising related, excluding Real Estate and For Sale signs.
    2. When landowner is planning to post more than 2 (two) Real Estate or For Sale signs.
    3. When sign size exceeds 2×3 feet.
    4. Traffic warning signs such as Beware of Dog, Children at Play, Horses, etc. Such signs shall be commercially made.
  • Realtors must collect their signs within 30-days after sale of property.
  • Property Ownership Designated Signs (PODS) are signs of a personal nature such as owner(s) name, property name, or greeting that are done in “good taste” are permitted. PODS signs larger than 1- by 2-feet shall be professionally lettered. Signs smaller than 1- by 2-feet or of a temporary nature may printed by hand.
  • All signs must be posted out of the road easement, in a location that will not affect traffic safety or block road visibility and no closer than 5-feet from the road surface. No permanent sign may be posted on property other than ones personal property unless written permission has been obtained, a copy is sent to the GLA Board and is keep on file until the sign is removed.
  • Placement of all traffic signs shall be done under the authority of Glastonbury Landowners Association Board of Directors.
  • Temporary signs such as advertising of garage sales, announcements of an event or other similar activity are allowed and may be hand printed or made provided they are removed within three (3) days after the event. Temporary signs may be only posted on lands where permission has been granted by the landowner. Signs in road easements, such as attached to street signs need the permission of GLA.

Applications for sign placements on property owned by a landowner other than the applicant shall also have the landowner’s signature on the application.

5.2 Lighting Standards
These guidelines establish minimum standards for the placement of exterior lighting within Glastonbury so as to maximize the necessary lighting and to minimize “light pollution” that intrudes on one of Glastonbury’s desired features – the night time sky.

Exterior lighting shall be indirect lighting wherever possible. Exterior lighting, especially in cluster developments, should be installed in such a manner as to avoid excessive glare to pedestrians, vehicular traffic or neighboring property. Spot lighting should be used only as needed to provide for safety or to enhance a building’s appearance. Down lights should be used in the taller light fixtures to prevent light pollution to neighboring areas. No mercury vapor lights are to be used in the residential areas.